With so many great n amazing people in my life, i know i can live gracefully on my own pace now.
Welcome my brand new 19th year after all the rollar coaster rides last year!:DD
Had a simple yet heartwarming CNY celebration this year with fam n relatives n frens...it's short but its pretty enjoyable for me coz I met some new people n I learned a lot frm them..
Life is simply too difficult to live..no formulae were given n we muz learn to find our own solutions. I'm getting used slowly to da fact tat growing up brings a lot of pain n loneliness. But I'm grateful tat i always have people out there who actually care for me..I have so many people to count on whenever i face probs etc...
when u find ur life now is in any misfortune circumstances, TAKE HEART..tell urself tat this is juz a phase to brg u frm where u are now to where u are going to be...
Karyn, u know how u wanna lead ur life. Karyn can make her life more meaningful more colourful which is different frm the othersss. LIVE YOUR LIFE!
was given a small surprise by my three cute babes in KMS on my bday eve...n received many calls n txts after 12am plus with so many firecrackers in banting!,-) hapie bday to Me!!!⊙▽⊙